

  • 根据总市值指标选择股票,选择市值最小的30只股票
  • 每月调仓
  • 等权重
In [1]:
# 获取股票代码
instruments = D.instruments()
# 确定起始时间
start_date = '2012-01-05' 
# 确定结束时间
end_date = '2017-01-01' 
market_cap_data = D.history_data(instruments,start_date,end_date,
# 根据是否停牌的字段确定每日选出来的股票
daily_buy_stock = market_cap_data.groupby('date').apply(lambda df:df[(df['amount'] > 0) # 需要有成交量
                                                & (df['suspended'] == False)  # 是否停牌
                                                ].sort_values('market_cap')[:30]) # 前三十只

# 回测参数设置,initialize函数只运行一次
def initialize(context):
    # 手续费设置
    context.set_commission(PerOrder(buy_cost=0.0003, sell_cost=0.0013, min_cost=5)) 
    # 调仓规则(每月的第一天调仓)
    # 传入 整理好的调仓股票数据
    context.daily_buy_stock = daily_buy_stock

# handle_data函数会每天运行一次
def handle_data(context,data):

# 换仓函数
def rebalance(context, data):
    # 当前的日期
    date = data.current_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
    # 根据日期获取调仓需要买入的股票的列表
    stock_to_buy = context.daily_buy_stock.ix[date].instrument # 一定要转化为列表
    # 通过positions对象,使用列表生成式的方法获取目前持仓的股票列表
    stock_hold_now = [equity.symbol for equity in context.portfolio.positions]
    # 继续持有的股票:调仓时,如果买入的股票已经存在于目前的持仓里,那么应继续持有
    no_need_to_sell = [i for i in stock_hold_now if i in stock_to_buy]
    # 需要卖出的股票
    stock_to_sell = [i for i in stock_hold_now if i not in no_need_to_sell]
    # 卖出
    for stock in stock_to_sell:
        # 如果该股票停牌,则没法成交。因此需要用can_trade方法检查下该股票的状态
        # 如果返回真值,则可以正常下单,否则会出错
        # 因为stock是字符串格式,我们用symbol方法将其转化成平台可以接受的形式

        if data.can_trade(context.symbol(stock)):
            # order_target_percent是平台的一个下单接口,表明下单使得该股票的权重为0,
            #   即卖出全部股票,可参考回测文档
            context.order_target_percent(context.symbol(stock), 0)
    # 如果当天没有买入的股票,就返回
    if len(stock_to_buy) == 0:

    # 等权重买入 
    weight =  1 / len(stock_to_buy) 
    # 买入
    for  stock in stock_to_buy:
        if data.can_trade(context.symbol(stock)):
            # 下单使得某只股票的持仓权重达到weight,因为
            # weight大于0,因此是等权重买入
            context.order_target_percent(context.symbol(stock), weight)
# 回测接口
    # 必须传入initialize,只在第一天运行
    #  必须传入handle_data,每个交易日都会运行
    # 买入以开盘价成交
    # 卖出也以开盘价成交
    # 策略本金
    capital_base=float("1.0e7") ,
    # 比较基准:沪深300
[2017-03-30 07:58:50.843830] INFO: bigquant: backtest.v5 start ..
[2017-03-30 08:01:35.390906] INFO: Performance: Simulated 1213 trading days out of 1213.
[2017-03-30 08:01:35.393586] INFO: Performance: first open: 2012-01-05 14:30:00+00:00
[2017-03-30 08:01:35.395341] INFO: Performance: last close: 2016-12-30 20:00:00+00:00
[2017-03-30 08:01:38.687222] INFO: bigquant: ir base: 0.2033801745222318
  • 收益率875.11%
  • 年化收益率60.5%
  • 基准收益率43.99%
  • 阿尔法0.6
  • 贝塔0.53
  • 夏普比率7.22
  • 收益波动率21.27%
  • 信息比率7.63
  • 最大回撤29.41%
  • 盈/亏次数1128/465
  • 盈/亏利润率+17.0%/-10.35%
[2017-03-30 08:01:39.909702] INFO: bigquant: backtest.v5 end [169.065931s].


  • 每天买入AI(人工智能)算法推荐的5只股票
  • 每天卖出得分最低的股票
  • 开盘时,买入股票,收盘时卖出股票
In [2]:
# 基础参数配置
class conf:
    start_date = '2010-01-01'
    # split_date 之前的数据用于训练,之后的数据用作效果评估
    split_date = '2015-01-01'
    # D.instruments: https://bigquant.com/docs/data_instruments.html
    instruments = D.instruments(start_date, end_date)

    # 机器学习目标标注函数
    # 如下标注函数等价于 max(min((持有期间的收益 * 100), -20), 20) + 20 (后面的M.fast_auto_labeler会做取整操作)
    # 说明:max/min这里将标注分数限定在区间[-20, 20],+20将分数变为非负数 (StockRanker要求标注分数非负整数)
    label_expr = ['return * 100', 'where(label > {0}, {0}, where(label < -{0}, -{0}, label)) + {0}'.format(20)]
    # 持有天数,用于计算label_expr中的return值(收益)
    hold_days = 30

    # 特征 https://bigquant.com/docs/data_features.html,你可以通过表达式构造任何特征
    features = [
        'market_cap_0',  # 总市值

# 给数据做标注:给每一行数据(样本)打分,一般分数越高表示越好
m1 = M.fast_auto_labeler.v5(
    instruments=conf.instruments, start_date=conf.start_date, end_date=conf.end_date,
    label_expr=conf.label_expr, hold_days=conf.hold_days,
    benchmark='000300.SHA', sell_at='open', buy_at='open')
# 计算特征数据
m2 = M.general_feature_extractor.v5(
    instruments=conf.instruments, start_date=conf.start_date, end_date=conf.end_date,
# 数据预处理:缺失数据处理,数据规范化,T.get_stock_ranker_default_transforms为StockRanker模型做数据预处理
m3 = M.transform.v2(
    data=m2.data, transforms=T.get_stock_ranker_default_transforms(),
    drop_null=True, astype='int32', except_columns=['date', 'instrument'],
    clip_lower=0, clip_upper=200000000)
# 合并标注和特征数据
m4 = M.join.v2(data1=m1.data, data2=m3.data, on=['date', 'instrument'], sort=True)

# 训练数据集
m5_training = M.filter.v2(data=m4.data, expr='date < "%s"' % conf.split_date)
# 评估数据集
m5_evaluation = M.filter.v2(data=m4.data, expr='"%s" <= date' % conf.split_date)
# StockRanker机器学习训练
m6 = M.stock_ranker_train.v2(training_ds=m5_training.data, features=conf.features)
# 对评估集做预测
m7 = M.stock_ranker_predict.v2(model_id=m6.model_id, data=m5_evaluation.data)

## 量化回测 https://bigquant.com/docs/strategy_backtest.html
# 回测引擎:初始化函数,只执行一次
def initialize(context):
    # 系统已经设置了默认的交易手续费和滑点,要修改手续费可使用如下函数
    context.set_commission(PerOrder(buy_cost=0.0003, sell_cost=0.0013, min_cost=5))
    # 预测数据,通过options传入进来,使用 read_df 函数,加载到内存 (DataFrame)
    context.ranker_prediction = context.options['ranker_prediction'].read_df()
    # 设置买入的股票数量,这里买入预测股票列表排名靠前的5只
    stock_count = 5
    # 每只的股票的权重,如下的权重分配会使得靠前的股票分配多一点的资金,[0.339160, 0.213986, 0.169580, ..]
    context.stock_weights = T.norm([1 / math.log(i + 2) for i in range(0, stock_count)])
    # 设置每只股票占用的最大资金比例
    context.max_cash_per_instrument = 0.2

# 回测引擎:每日数据处理函数,每天执行一次
def handle_data(context, data):
    # 按日期过滤得到今日的预测数据
    ranker_prediction = context.ranker_prediction[context.ranker_prediction.date == data.current_dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]

    # 1. 资金分配
    # 平均持仓时间是hold_days,每日都将买入股票,每日预期使用 1/hold_days 的资金
    # 实际操作中,会存在一定的买入误差,所以在前hold_days天,等量使用资金;之后,尽量使用剩余资金(这里设置最多用等量的1.5倍)
    is_staging = context.trading_day_index < context.options['hold_days'] # 是否在建仓期间(前 hold_days 天)
    cash_avg = context.portfolio.portfolio_value / context.options['hold_days']
    cash_for_buy = min(context.portfolio.cash, (1 if is_staging else 1.5) * cash_avg)
    cash_for_sell = cash_avg - (context.portfolio.cash - cash_for_buy)
    positions = {e.symbol: p.amount * p.last_sale_price         for e, p in context.perf_tracker.position_tracker.positions.items()}

    # 2. 生成卖出订单:hold_days天之后才开始卖出;对持仓的股票,按StockRanker预测的排序末位淘汰
    if not is_staging and cash_for_sell > 0:
        equities = {e.symbol: e for e, p in context.perf_tracker.position_tracker.positions.items()}
        instruments = list(reversed(list(ranker_prediction.instrument[ranker_prediction.instrument.apply(
                lambda x: x in equities and not context.has_unfinished_sell_order(equities[x]))])))
        # print('rank order for sell %s' % instruments)
        for instrument in instruments:
            context.order_target(context.symbol(instrument), 0)
            cash_for_sell -= positions[instrument]
            if cash_for_sell <= 0:

    # 3. 生成买入订单:按StockRanker预测的排序,买入前面的stock_count只股票
    buy_cash_weights = context.stock_weights
    buy_instruments = list(ranker_prediction.instrument[:len(buy_cash_weights)])
    max_cash_per_instrument = context.portfolio.portfolio_value * context.max_cash_per_instrument
    for i, instrument in enumerate(buy_instruments):
        cash = cash_for_buy * buy_cash_weights[i]
        if cash > max_cash_per_instrument - positions.get(instrument, 0):
            # 确保股票持仓量不会超过每次股票最大的占用资金量
            cash = max_cash_per_instrument - positions.get(instrument, 0)
        if cash > 0:
            context.order_value(context.symbol(instrument), cash)

# 调用回测引擎
m8 = M.backtest.v5(
    order_price_field_buy='open',       # 表示 开盘 时买入
    order_price_field_sell='close',     # 表示 收盘 前卖出
    capital_base=2000000,               # 初始资金
    benchmark='000300.SHA',             # 比较基准,不影响回测结果
    # 通过 options 参数传递预测数据和参数给回测引擎
    options={'ranker_prediction': m7.predictions, 'hold_days': conf.hold_days} 
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.470697] INFO: bigquant: fast_auto_labeler.v5 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.473454] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.480384] INFO: bigquant: fast_auto_labeler.v5 end [0.009705s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.488716] INFO: bigquant: general_feature_extractor.v5 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.490791] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.492023] INFO: bigquant: general_feature_extractor.v5 end [0.003301s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.500789] INFO: bigquant: transform.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.502911] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.504176] INFO: bigquant: transform.v2 end [0.003379s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.511034] INFO: bigquant: join.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.513079] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.514319] INFO: bigquant: join.v2 end [0.0033s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.520500] INFO: bigquant: filter.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.522553] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.523775] INFO: bigquant: filter.v2 end [0.003266s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.529958] INFO: bigquant: filter.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.531999] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.533297] INFO: bigquant: filter.v2 end [0.003327s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.541344] INFO: bigquant: stock_ranker_train.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.543419] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.544613] INFO: bigquant: stock_ranker_train.v2 end [0.003265s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.551216] INFO: bigquant: stock_ranker_predict.v2 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.554031] INFO: bigquant: hit cache
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.555559] INFO: bigquant: stock_ranker_predict.v2 end [0.004336s].
[2017-04-01 01:57:30.578459] INFO: bigquant: backtest.v5 start ..
[2017-04-01 01:59:16.567886] INFO: Performance: Simulated 488 trading days out of 488.
[2017-04-01 01:59:16.569890] INFO: Performance: first open: 2015-01-05 14:30:00+00:00
[2017-04-01 01:59:16.571550] INFO: Performance: last close: 2016-12-30 20:00:00+00:00
[2017-04-01 01:59:17.692804] INFO: bigquant: ir base: 0.24901840323417357
  • 收益率306.67%
  • 年化收益率106.35%
  • 基准收益率-6.33%
  • 阿尔法0.99
  • 贝塔0.62
  • 夏普比率5.97
  • 收益波动率29.3%
  • 信息比率7.24
  • 最大回撤35.22%
  • 盈/亏次数596/205
  • 盈/亏利润率+12.39%/-10.36%
[2017-04-01 01:59:18.543696] INFO: bigquant: backtest.v5 end [107.965218s].
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