{"description":"实验创建于2017/8/26","graph":{"edges":[{"to_node_id":"-670:predictions","from_node_id":"-547:data_1"}],"nodes":[{"node_id":"-670","module_id":"BigQuantSpace.metrics_classification.metrics_classification-v1","parameters":[],"input_ports":[{"name":"predictions","node_id":"-670"}],"output_ports":[{"name":"data","node_id":"-670"}],"cacheable":true,"seq_num":12,"comment":"","comment_collapsed":true},{"node_id":"-547","module_id":"BigQuantSpace.cached.cached-v3","parameters":[{"name":"run","value":"import random\nimport datetime\nimport math\nimport pandas as pd\n\nclass XDebug:\n @staticmethod\n def Check(bFlag, strOutput = None):\n if bFlag:\n return\n if strOutput is not None:\n raise Exception(strOutput)\n else:\n raise\n\nclass XNum:\n @staticmethod\n def IsNA(x):\n if x is None:\n return(True)\n if pd.isna(x):\n return(True)\n return(False)\n\n @staticmethod\n def IsNum(x):\n if XNum.IsNA(x):\n return False\n\n if type(x) == type(1.0) or type(x) == type(1):\n return(True)\n\n\n return(False)\n\n @staticmethod\n def Test():\n XDebug.Check( XNum.IsNum(100))\n\n\n\n\nclass XStable:\n @staticmethod\n def WOE(df, col, y='xxx'):\n \"\"\"\n df:数据集\n col:特征名\n y:样本定义根据的列名(1:黑样本,0:白样本)\n \"\"\"\n # 黑样本\n black_cnt = df.groupby(col)[y].sum()\n # 白样本\n white_cnt = df.groupby(col)[y].sum()\n\n # 所有黑样本\n black_cnt_total = df[y].sum()\n # 所有白样本\n white_cnt_total = df.shape(0) - df[y].sum()\n\n # pyi\n pyi = black_cnt / black_cnt_total\n # pni\n pni = white_cnt / white_cnt_total\n\n # woe\n woe = (pyi / pni).map(lambda x: math.log(x))\n\n return woe, pyi, pni\n\n @staticmethod\n # 逻辑代码\n def IV(df, col, y='xxx'):\n \"\"\"\n df:数据集\n col:特征名\n y:样本定义根据的列名(1:黑样本,0:白样本)\n \"\"\"\n # 获取woe、pyi、pni\n woe, pyi, pni = WOE(df, col, y)\n # 计算特征每个分箱的iv值\n iv_i = (pyi - pni) * woe\n # 返回该特征的iv值\n return iv_i.sum()\n\n @staticmethod\n def PSI(arrReal, arrExpect)->float:\n ##psi = sum((实际占比-预期占比)* ln(实际占比/预期占比))\n arrSplit = XList.CalcBinsByFreq(arrExpect, nBins = 10)\n arrBins = XList.Value2Bins(arrExpect,arrSplit )\n arrBinsReal = XList.Value2Bins(arrReal, arrSplit)\n\n mFreq = XList.BinsFreq(arrBins)\n mFreqReal = XList.BinsFreq(arrBinsReal)\n\n s = 0\n for x in mFreq.keys():\n freqReal = mFreqReal.get(x, 0)\n freq = mFreq.get(x, 0 )\n if freq > 0.0001:\n part0 = freqReal / freq\n part1 = (freqReal - freq)\n if part0 > 0:\n part2= math.log( part0 , math.e)\n v = part1 * part2\n assert(v >= 0)\n s+= v\n else:\n s+= 0.2\n\n return(s)\n\n @staticmethod\n def Test(n=1000):\n arr = [None] * n\n arr = list(map(lambda x:random.random(), arr))\n\n arr2 = [None] * n\n arr2 = list(map(lambda x: random.random(), arr2))\n\n print(XStable.PSI(arr, arr2))\n\n\nclass XList:\n @staticmethod\n def IsNumber(series):\n arr = list(map(lambda x: XNum.IsNum(x) or XNum.IsNA(x), series))\n arrTrue = XLambda.FilterTrueIndex(arr)\n if len(arrTrue) == len(series):\n return (True)\n return False\n\n @staticmethod\n def CalcBinsByFreq(arr, nBins=10, bNeedSort=True, ascending=True):\n \"\"\"\n 按频次切 bin\n :param arr:\n :param nBins:\n :param bNeedSort:\n :param ascending:\n :return:\n \"\"\"\n\n nBins += 1\n\n arr2 = list(arr)\n if bNeedSort:\n arr2 = sorted(arr2, reverse=not ascending)\n\n N = len(arr2)\n step = math.floor(N / nBins)\n\n currPos = 0\n\n ret = []\n\n for i in range(1, nBins):\n currPos = i * step\n\n value = arr2[currPos]\n\n if ascending:\n if len(ret) == 0 or value > ret[-1]:\n ret.append(value)\n else:\n if len(ret) == 0 or value < ret[-1]:\n ret.append(value)\n return (ret)\n\n @staticmethod\n def BinsFreq(arr):\n m = {}\n for x in arr:\n m[x] = m.get(x, 0) + 1\n\n for x in m.keys():\n m[x] = m[x] / len(arr)\n return m\n\n @staticmethod\n def Value2Bins(arr, arrSplit , bNeedSort=True, ascending=True):\n \"\"\"\n 按频次切 bin, 并把值映射到bin上\n :param arr:\n :param nBins:\n :param bNeedSort:\n :param ascending:\n :return:\n \"\"\"\n\n ##arrSplit = XList.CalcBinsByFreq(arr, nBins, bNeedSort=bNeedSort, ascending=ascending)\n\n ret = []\n N = len(arrSplit)\n for x in arr:\n i = 0\n if ascending:\n while i < N:\n if x > arrSplit[i]:\n i += 1\n else:\n break\n else:\n while i < N:\n if x < arrSplit[i]:\n i += 1\n else:\n break\n\n ret.append(i)\n return ret\n\n @staticmethod\n def Test():\n a = [None] * 1000\n a = list(map(lambda x: random.randint(100,1000), a))\n arrSplit = XList.CalcBinsByFreq(a)\n print(arrSplit)\n c = XList.Value2Bins(a, arrSplit)\n print(c)\n\nclass XPickle:\n @staticmethod\n def WriteCsv(df, fileName):\n path = \"/home/bigquant/work/userlib/\"\n ##pd.DataFrame([input_1.read()]).to_pickle(path + fileName)\n df.to_pickle(path + fileName)\n\n @staticmethod\n def ReadCsv(fileName):\n path = \"/home/bigquant/work/userlib/\"\n df = pd.read_pickle(path + fileName) ##(\"/home/bigquant/work/userlib/data_more_feature/2018-01-01.csv\")\n return df\n\n\nclass XRandom:\n @staticmethod\n def SampleRows(df, nRowSample):\n nRow = df.shape[0]\n arrSample = random.sample(range(0, nRow), nRowSample)\n arrRemain = list(set(range(0, nRow)) - set(arrSample))\n return df.iloc[arrSample, :], df.iloc[arrRemain, :]\n\n\nclass XTime:\n @staticmethod\n def AddMonths(currDay, nMonth):\n date = datetime.datetime.strptime(currDay, \"%Y-%m-%d\")\n print(date)\n date2 = date + datetime.timedelta(days=nMonth * 31)\n ret = datetime.datetime.strftime(date2, \"%Y-%m-01\")\n return ret\n\n @staticmethod\n def ToDate(strDate1):\n date1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(strDate1, \"%Y-%m-%d\")\n return(date1)\n\n @staticmethod\n def PDTime2Str(date1, formatStr = \"%Y-%m-%d\"):\n return date1.strftime(formatStr)\n\n @staticmethod\n def DateSmallerThan(strDate1, strDate2):\n \"\"\"\n return (date1 < date2)\n\n :param strDate1:\n :param strDate2:\n :return:\n \"\"\"\n date1 = XTime.ToDate(strDate1)\n date2 = XTime.ToDate(strDate2)\n return (date1 < date2)\n\n @staticmethod\n def Test():\n XDebug.Check(XTime.DateSmallerThan(\"2018-01-01\", \"2018-01-02\"))\n\n\n\n\nclass XPandas:\n @staticmethod\n def FilterColumns(df, arrColNames):\n colNames = XPandas.GetColumnNames(df)\n arr = []\n nFound = 0\n for i in range(0, len(colNames)):\n if colNames[i] in arrColNames:\n nFound += 1\n arr.append(i)\n XDebug.Check(nFound == len(arrColNames))\n return df.iloc[:, arr].copy()\n\n @staticmethod\n def SortByColumn(df, byColNames = [], inplace = True, ascending = True):\n if inplace:\n df = df.sort_values(by = byColNames, inplace = inplace, ascending = ascending)\n return(df)\n else:\n df2 = df.sort_values(by=byColNames, inplace=inplace, ascending=ascending)\n return(df2)\n\n @staticmethod\n def SampleRows(df, nRow):\n N = df.shape[0]\n sampleArr = random.sample(list(range(0,N)) , nRow)\n remainArr = list(set(list(range(0,N))) - set(sampleArr))\n return df.iloc[sampleArr, :], df.iloc[remainArr, :]\n\n @staticmethod\n def GetColumnNames(df):\n return df.columns\n\n @staticmethod\n def MyJoin(data1, data2, onKey=[\"instrument\", \"date\"], how=\"left\"):\n name1 = list(data1.columns)\n name2 = list(data2.columns)\n\n nameDiff = list(set(name2) - set(name1))\n\n ##print(nameDiff)\n\n nameDiff.append(\"instrument\")\n nameDiff.append(\"date\")\n\n data3 = data2[nameDiff]\n\n ##data4 = data1.join(data3, on =[\"instrument\", \"date\"] ,how = \"left\") ## join\n data4 = pd.merge(data1, data3, on=onKey, how=how)\n\n return (data4)\n\n\nclass XHash:\n @staticmethod\n def MyHash(s: str) -> int:\n return int(hash(s))\n\n\nclass XLambda:\n @staticmethod\n def FilterTrueIndex(arr: list) -> list:\n\n ret = []\n for i in range(0, len(arr)):\n if arr[i] == True:\n ret.append(i)\n return (ret)\n\n\nclass XSample:\n @staticmethod\n def Sample10Pct(data1):\n arr1 = zip(list(data1[\"instrument\"]), list(data1[\"date\"]))\n arr2 = list(map(lambda x: True if XUtil.MyHash(str(x)) % 10 == 1 else False, arr1))\n arr3 = XLambda.FilterTrueIndex(arr2)\n data2 = data1.iloc[arr3, :]\n return (data2)\n\n\n\n# Python 代码入口函数,input_1/2/3 对应三个输入端,data_1/2/3 对应三个输出端\ndef bigquant_run(input_1, input_2, input_3):\n \n \n pd3 = XPickle.ReadCsv(\"error_check1.csv\")\n\n ds3 = DataSource.write_pickle(pd3)\n print(\"end222..\")\n return Outputs(data_1 = ds3 , data_2 = None, data_3 = None)\n\n","type":"Literal","bound_global_parameter":null},{"name":"post_run","value":"# 后处理函数,可选。输入是主函数的输出,可以在这里对数据做处理,或者返回更友好的outputs数据格式。此函数输出不会被缓存。\ndef bigquant_run(outputs):\n return outputs\n","type":"Literal","bound_global_parameter":null},{"name":"input_ports","value":"","type":"Literal","bound_global_parameter":null},{"name":"params","value":"{}","type":"Literal","bound_global_parameter":null},{"name":"output_ports","value":"","type":"Literal","bound_global_parameter":null}],"input_ports":[{"name":"input_1","node_id":"-547"},{"name":"input_2","node_id":"-547"},{"name":"input_3","node_id":"-547"}],"output_ports":[{"name":"data_1","node_id":"-547"},{"name":"data_2","node_id":"-547"},{"name":"data_3","node_id":"-547"}],"cacheable":true,"seq_num":1,"comment":"","comment_collapsed":true}],"node_layout":"<node_postions><node_position Node='-670' Position='1432,1395,200,200'/><node_position Node='-547' Position='1648.8587646484375,1136.31982421875,200,200'/></node_postions>"},"nodes_readonly":false,"studio_version":"v2"}
[2023-01-10 19:06:03.234107] INFO: moduleinvoker: cached.v3 开始运行..
[2023-01-10 19:06:03.942723] INFO: moduleinvoker: cached.v3 运行完成[0.708638s].
[2023-01-10 19:06:03.967532] INFO: moduleinvoker: metrics_classification.v1 开始运行..
[2023-01-10 19:06:04.350643] ERROR: moduleinvoker: module name: metrics_classification, module version: v1, trackeback: tables.exceptions.HDF5ExtError: HDF5 error back trace
File "H5F.c", line 509, in H5Fopen
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1400, in H5F__open
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1700, in H5F_open
unable to read superblock
File "H5Fsuper.c", line 411, in H5F__super_read
file signature not found
End of HDF5 error back trace
Unable to open/create file '/tmp/data.h5'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
IndexError: tuple index out of range
HDF5ExtError Traceback (most recent call last)
HDF5ExtError: HDF5 error back trace
File "H5F.c", line 509, in H5Fopen
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1400, in H5F__open
unable to open file
File "H5Fint.c", line 1700, in H5F_open
unable to read superblock
File "H5Fsuper.c", line 411, in H5F__super_read
file signature not found
End of HDF5 error back trace
Unable to open/create file '/tmp/data.h5'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-482a557ae552> in <module>
390 )
--> 392 m12 = M.metrics_classification.v1(
393 predictions=m1.data_1
394 )
IndexError: tuple index out of range